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Variables offer a way to introduce dynamic inputs to a re-usable/static query. A variable is declared in the parameters to a query or mutation, using the $ symbol and its type (in this example Int) which must be a scalar, enum, or input type. In the query body, it is referred to by its name (again prefixed with the $ symbol).

If a variable is declared but not used in the query or not defined (supplied a value), the query will fail to execute.

To learn more, read the GraphQL documentation on Variables.

In the following example, the ID of the epoch being queried is supplied by a variable.

query ($epochID: Int) {
epoch(id: $epochID) {


"epochID": 100

In the IDE

When using the online IDE, variables are supplied as a JSON object to the query in the "Variables" pane at the bottom of the main editing window. If a variable is supplied but not declared, a warning will be issued.

In Requests

When making a request to the GraphQL service (for example, using curl), the query and variables are passed as two fields of a single JSON object:

 curl -X POST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"query": "query ($epochID: Int) { epoch(id: $epochID) { referenceGasPrice } }",
"variables": { "epochID": 100 }